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7 Secrets of customer support

Precise, actionable suggestions and information to improve the success rate of IT projects.

Abstract: The current success rate of IT projects, from a business perspective, is an abysmal 25%. This paper contains the collected wisdom of over seventy senior IT executives and CIOs regarding the most effective ways to avoid pitfalls and ensure that your project succeeds.

How to ensure the success of IT projects

There is a noticeable difference between the 75% to 90+% success rate claimed by IT managers for their own projects, and reports from industry observers that less than half are successful.

Purpose: The goal of this white paper is to improve the success rates of IT projects and, hopefully, prevent another disaster on the level of It is based on the collated contributions from over a hundred senior IT executives to the thread “How to ensure the success of IT projects” in the CIO Forum and my own experiences. To achieve this objective, the paper has to offer precise, actionable suggestions with guidance as to how and why they should be applied. But, first let’s clarify exactly what we mean by "IT success." 

How to choose enterprise software

Make your support operation more efficient and increase customer satisfaction.

Abstract: Why is support so often perceived as broken? The answer is that effectively managing a support organisation for even a simple product is difficult, and managing support for a complex product or service is as tough as it gets. This paper discusses the challenges involved in managing a sophisticated support organisation and the key strategies for dealing with those challenges.

5 pitfalls of CLM software selection

What are the risks associated with selecting the wrong contract management software?

Abstract: Risk management is one of the primary reasons that companies implement a contract management solution. The visibility and accountability of automated software significantly reduce an organisation’s exposure to financial, legal, or operational errors. But what about the risks associated with selecting the wrong contract lifecycle management (CLM) software? Decision makers implementing a solution for the first time may not be aware of the pitfalls inherent to the process.

Step up your purchasing and contracting ability

This paper offers an overview of ITIL software and some guidelines for implementing an ITIL solution successfully.

Abstract: A significant percentage of ITIL implementations are simply never completed, even after months of training, certification tests, and effort. It is all too common to find that an ITIL implementation actually increases the workload of IT staff without improving service or reliability. Avoid these negative outcomes by doing some homework and approaching ITIL with a clear sense of priorities. This paper offers practical suggestions for gaining the terrific benefits of ITIL without getting lost along the way.

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