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Breaking Down Silos: Enhancing Team Collaboration with Centralised Contract Management

In a constantly evolving, multi-disciplinary business environment, effective collaboration is essential for success. Whether it's between internal teams or external partners, clear communication and alignment are critical to ensuring that business operations run smoothly. However, when it comes to managing contracts, many organisations struggle with silos—where different teams use disparate tools and processes to manage contracts, leading to poor communication, misalignment, and confusion. The...

October 22, 2024

The Hidden Costs of Disorganised Customer Data

Data is king! The ability to gather, store, and analyse customer data can mean the difference between a thriving business and one that struggles to keep up. However, many businesses find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of customer information scattered across multiple systems, spreadsheets, and databases. This disorganisation not only leads to inefficiencies but also severely hampers decision-making, ultimately impacting the bottom line.This blog series explores the top pains points, ...

October 17, 2024

Cost Savings & Revenue Optimisation

Managing contracts effectively is crucial not just for maintaining smooth operations, but also for optimising costs and maximising revenue. However, many businesses still struggle with poor contract management practices, which can lead to missed opportunities for cost savings and revenue generation. Whether it's failing to take advantage of early payment discounts, overlooking revenue opportunities, or incurring unnecessary expenses due to auto-renewals or unfavorable contract terms, the consequ...

October 15, 2024

Speeding Up Contract Management: How CLM Systems Eliminate Bottlenecks and Accelerate Deal Cycles

In the fast-paced world of business, time is money. Whether you're finalising a deal with a new client, securing a crucial vendor partnership, or renewing an existing contract, delays in the contract lifecycle can have a significant impact on your bottom line. Yet, for many organisations, manual contract creation, negotiation, and approval processes are still the norm. These processes are often slow and error-prone, causing delays that can lead to missed opportunities and operational bottlenecks...

October 8, 2024

The Importance of CLM Systems in Ensuring Contract Compliance and Mitigating Legal Risks

Contracts are the lifeblood of any business, governing relationships, expectations, and obligations between parties. However, ensuring that every contract complies with legal, regulatory, and internal policy requirements can be a daunting task. This is particularly true for organisations that do not use a Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) system. The absence of a CLM system can lead to compliance gaps, increased legal risks, and potential penalties due to overlooked obligations or outdated con...

October 1, 2024

Improve Visibility & Accessibility of Your Contracts

The world of business is operating faster and faster everyday. Yet, many organisations struggle with a fundamental problem that can severely impact their operations: the fragmented storage of contracts. Contracts are the backbone of business operations, governing relationships, obligations, and expectations between companies, clients, vendors, and partners. When these vital documents are scattered across multiple locations—whether in physical files, various digital folders, or individual email...

September 24, 2024

What Is Contract Management Software? A Comprehensive Guide

According to World Commerce and Contracting, “40-60% of business transactions are governed by written contractual agreements”. However, Thomson Reuters estimated that ONLY 18% of companies in the UK have implemented contract management technology to manage this vital organisational process (report from 2022).This blog series explores the top pains points, key benefits and practical tips for optimising your processes, enhancing compliance, and driving business growth through a streamlined, sc...

September 18, 2024

Growing A CLM-Ready Environment

Contract Lifecycle Management is a phenomenal tool that we think more people should use – but it isn’t magic. It might feel like magic, it might work like magic, and your experience with it might be magical, but it is not magic – it’s more like… gardening. Your CLM adoption can provide incredible results if you cultivate it and allow it to bloom, and for a large number of cases CLM preparedness directly translates to CLM success. For your CLM implementation to be effective and draw the...

April 11, 2024

A Sea of Stars: Preparing Your Business for 2024 and Beyond

Daydreaming about the future we can conjure up images of flying cars, Jetsons robot helpers, biodomes, and the great, unexplored frontiers of the void – something that rarely intrudes in these fantasies are the thought of contracts. Where do our contracts go in our dreams of a bright and brave new world? Who manages them? Do they even exist at all?  While we’re further away from the Fifth Element than we might be from, say, Robocop, in the world of contract management we are already pre...

January 25, 2024

The Summer Of AI: How AI Is Boosting Your Contract Capabilities

'Summer of AI' might seem a bit weird if you aren’t in the Southern Hemisphere, but as an NZ-based company so you’ll have to bear with us enjoying the summer sunshine as the rest of you trudge wearily into a wet winter. As AI capabilities from Agiloft roll out around the world, we thought we’d take the time to inform you of Agiloft’s AI platform goals and expected benefits as something for you to look forwards to and potentially explore.This year was our big introduction to Agiloft AI, a...

October 17, 2023

The Tipping Point: Why Adopt CLM Now?

We are, all of us, being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century’s 21st Century. In the last ten years we have seen an incredible leap forwards in technology that has necessitated an equally fast change in education and in priorities for departments. Advanced technology is everywhere around us, and people who are already behind the curve do not yet know how far behind that is. That’s why we think that this era is the tipping point for CLM adoption – the more things automate the...

October 3, 2023

Setting Yourself Up For CLM Success

So you’ve read some of the previous articles and made it past the hurdles of selecting, purchasing, and implementing a CLM solution in your workplace – that's you done, right? Wrong!  Like any tool, you have to learn how to use it (and where to use it) to get the most out of it.  While adopting a CLM is an accomplished step in the right direction, it’s important to first clean up your contracting processes to make sure that the transition to a smarter platform is a clean one...

September 12, 2023

4 Critical Steps to CLM Value

We live in interesting times, where the winds of international strife and global problems are felt incredibly keenly – but you shouldn’t let that get you down!  Things “not going to plan” has become the new normal, but what’s the solution to facing a challenging market and consistently overcoming it? The answer may be found in your contracts.  While only 10% of contract language focuses on what’s being delivered, the other 90% is a goldmine of business-critical in...

August 29, 2023

An Introduction To The No-Code Platform

We’ve mentioned the no-code platform several times in passing over the last few months (and over the last few years in pretty much all of our materials we’ve ever published) but what is a no-code platform? And how can a no-code platform provide a benefit to you? The answer to the first question is relatively simple – a no-code platform is a platform that has been built to allow you to tweak, customise, and use your program with minimal-to-no programming experience. A no-code fram...

August 15, 2023

Four CLM Pitfalls (And How To Avoid Them)

As the saying goes – adopting a CLM solution isn’t just for Christmas. You need to be thinking about the long-term health of your solution and what you can do now to make sure that it keeps on working for you long into the future. CLM adoption and implementation is a journey, and not every journey is a smooth one – luckily there are things that you can do before you start to make sure that the path ahead is as clear by identifying possible pitfalls and solutions before you ever encoun...

August 1, 2023

Contract To The Future: Five Predictions for CLM

Taking a small break from introducing you to the present state of CLM, we want to cast our net a little bit wider this week and look into… the future.  With the help of Agiloft CSO Prashant Dubey, here are five predictions about the future of CLM and the future of CLM in the workplace!...

July 18, 2023

Contract Management Principles

Contracts are essential to every business. An easy corollary is that contract management is essential to every business.  As more companies embrace the value of process automation, they are utilising contract management solutions. Contracts are formal, finalised agreements between businesses, and if you are not familiar with the ins-and-outs of contracts, what they do, and what they can do for your business we talk about them exhaustively here, here, and here.  The management of c...

July 11, 2023

How (And Why) Should I Analyse Contracts?

Reading contracts is a skill unto itself, and one that not everyone learns. Contracts do not particularly care to discriminate between ‘people who can read and analyse contracts’ and ‘people who cannot’ - regardless of your skillset you will be interacting with contracts, dealing with contracts, and be participating in tasks mandated by previously signed contracts every single day. Every part of your professional life has involved, does involve, or will involve a contract.   Everyon...

July 4, 2023

An Introduction to CLM Part 2: Who Should Be Using CLM?

Welcome to Part 2 of the Introduction to Contract Management series! In this part we are going to go over who should be looking at CLM solutions within the business, and why they should be considering them. If you missed out, you can click here to read Part 1, and if you clicked on this article out of a feverish desire to engage in CLM solutions you should e-mail us at: to set up an MS Teams call! To understand what CLM can do for you requires understanding the scope of...

June 27, 2023

An Introduction to CLM Part 1: What Is CLM?

The world of contract management is a wide and ever-growing one, with new discoveries and innovations happening (seemingly) daily as more and more companies adopt CLM solutions and as CLM providers to adapt to different needs and advancements in technology. At SaaSam, no single CLM implementation is ever the same – everything is tailored to our clients’ needs using Agiloft’s complex and infinitely customisable platform.  Before we talk about tailoring and tweaking individual aspects o...

June 20, 2023

WACNZ 2023: Inside the Avocadome

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first of a new series of SaaSam blog posts where we aim to bring you up to date on the world of CLM through our travels to various conferences and events!Understanding the online and technical aspects of the market, of software, and of sales is all important to us, but something that we really prize is getting on the ground, getting to conferences, and getting amongst the people and the industries that use CLM (or could use CLM) to better their business lives. ...

April 20, 2023

Agiloft Kicks Off New Year with Massive Momentum and Brand-New Visual Identity

Agiloft, the global standard in no-code contract lifecycle management (CLM), announced a record year in 2021 with a 100% increase in customer bookings, a 60% increase in annual recurring revenue (ARR), and a 72% increase in headcount. In the wake of this success, Agiloft will start off 2022 with a new visual brand and a refinement of its core company mission of delivering “Contract Management Without Compromise.”“2021 marked the beginning of a new era here at Agiloft,” said Eric Lau...

February 7, 2022

Agiloft CEO Eric Laughlin named CEO of the Year in the 2021 Globee Awards

The Globee Awards are a set of business award competitions organized annually to recognize outstanding accomplishments and contributions of companies and professionals worldwide. The awards are conferred in eleven programs, of which the CEO World Awards program celebrates the achievements of leaders, executives, and management teams who set industry benchmarks for excellence. Laughlin was recognized for his leadership in driving more than a 100% increase in customer bookings and 50% gr...

January 23, 2022

AI in 2022: Here are More AI and Tech Predictions from IT Experts

Originally published on Enterprise AIAs 2022 begins, the progress and continuing evolution of AI is in full swing across the worlds of industry, manufacturing, retail, banking and finance, healthcare and medicine and an expanding range of other fields.In our first roundup of 2022 enterprise AI predictions from IT leaders, which was published Jan. 7, we received a wide range of predictions from industry experts who shared their thoughts with EnterpriseAI.Today, in this article, we ...

January 16, 2022

Happy holidays!

The SaaSam team have officially clocked off for the year! And what a year it has been! It has been filled with uncertainty, worry and hard times, but we are pleased to be ending the year on a high and the busiest we have ever been. We would like to pass on our thanks and gratitude to our fantastic clients and partners who make SaaSam the great company that it is. Your continued support is very much appreciated and we look forward to working with you in 2022 and the year...

December 23, 2021 Posts 1-25 of 68 | Page next

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